6 Family Unity Candle Ceremony Ideas for Your Vow Renewal Ceremony

Many couples renewing their vows look to a family unity candle ceremony as a way to include their children in their ceremony. Children play an important role in a marriage, bringing to it their own unique contribution. Below you will find ceremonies to accommodate all ages of children and sizes of families. Feel free to mix and match them to create a unique family unity candle ceremony for your vow renewal.

Past and Future Theme

(Each spouse lights a candle to symbolize the light of their individual spirits– alternatively, their parents can light these candles for them. The couple then jointly lights the white pillar candle.)

[Number] years ago, you jointly lit a unity candle to symbolize the sanctity of your marriage. Today, that light is represented by the flame of the white candle.

From your marriage, the light of [number] beautiful children came forth into being. (Each child steps forward and lights their candle from the white unity candle.)

Now we ask you as a family to light a Family Unity Candle representing the sanctity that is family. May it shine as a beacon light. May it be an indestructible force. May it be a source of love, warmth and comfort always.

(Each member of the family takes their white taper candle and together lights the family candle.)

May the light of love,

And the light of understanding

And the light of respect

And the light of tolerance

Shine eternally for your family.

Renewed Strength Theme

[Name and name], together as you light this candle of unity, you symbolize the flame of your own individual selves joining to renew the strength of the flame that symbolizes your marriage.

You also bring the warmth, joy, and caring of your children’s fires as kindling for your own.

(The children step forward and light their candle and together light each parent’s candle.)

As husband and wife, your flames are separate, yet they feed the same fire.

(The couple then jointly lights the new unity candle.)

May you bask in the beauty of the light of your love, may its light shine bright and steady upon your path together and may its heat keep you warm through all the days of your lives and beyond.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words Them to Follow Family Vows

It is a well-known phrase that actions speak louder than words. A lesson I’m sure you’ve learned well over the years and a lesson that is reinforced here today.

Actions, such as the rituals performed today for your vow renewal ceremony – getting dressed up, holding hands, carrying flowers, and exchanging rings/gifts — convey deep symbolic meaning.

They show that you are committed to taking action with regard to the vows you’ve made to one another and to your children here today. At this time, I’d like each of you to take a candle and as a family ignite the larger one to flame.

(Each member of the family takes their white taper candle and together lights the family candle.)

This is a glowing reminder that in both marriage and as a family, your lives are both individual and together as one.

Optional religious add on: This is also a symbolic reminder that while we are all one with God, you still maintain your own sparks of the divine.

Sanctity of Family Theme

[Name and name] have chosen to affirm their love and their commitment to their family by the lighting of a family unity candle.

From every human being there rises a light and when two souls that are destined for each other find one another, their streams of light flow together and a single, brighter light goes forth from their united being.

(Each spouse lights their candle)

From this united light, the light of [number] beautiful children came forth into being.

(They bring the flames of their candles together to light the candle of each child.)

Now we ask you as a family to light a Family Unity Candle representing the sanctity that is family. May it shine as a beacon light. May it be an indestructible force. May it be a source of love, warmth and comfort always.

(Each member of the family takes their white taper candle and together lights the family candle.)

May your future be made infinitely brighter by the light and the love that you share.

Individual Fires Theme

Fire is believed by many to represent passion and purity. It is also associated with the security of home and family, as the warmth of the hearth and the “home fires.”

We kindle this light in harmony with all that is good in life. Its’ dancing flame symbolizes the beauty and vitality of the love that has brought [name and name] here today, which will enrich and sustain their lives through the years ahead.

[Name and name] will now light the outside candles representing the light of their individual selves.

From this united light, the light of [number] beautiful children came forth into being.

[Name and name] will now light the smaller candles representing the light of their children.

Together, as a family, will you now light the center family unity candle, while leaving the separate candles burning.

May it be known to all that you are individuals, each unique and different. Yet, together as a family, you create the brightest light. A light that shines brightly upon even the cloudiest of days.

May your future be made infinitely brighter by the light and the love that you share.

Family – Commitment – Unity Theme

This candle you are about to light is a candle of Family. Its’ fire is magical because it burns with the flame of a family created in love.

This candle before you is a candle of Commitment because it takes [number of family members] people working together to keep it aflame.

This candle is also a candle of Unity because all must come together, giving a spark of themselves, to create the new light.

As you light this candle today, may the brightness of the flame shine throughout your lives.

(Each person takes their white taper candle and together lights the unity candle.)

May it give you courage and reassurance in darkness; warmth and safety in the cold; and strength and joy in your bodies, minds, and spirits.

May your family be forever blessed.

Add on: Acknowledgement of children and poem

[Name and name], [number] years ago, you made a life-long commitment to share the rest of your lives with each other. The journey has not been yours alone, for you have been blessed with [number] beautiful children, and it is the strength of your love that nourishes your family. [Name and name] would like to take this moment to recognize the significant role that [children’s names] play in this marriage celebrated today. You are a family created by love and held together by devotion.

[Insert preferred unity candle ceremony here]

I would like to share a poem that has been chosen by [Name and name] for this special moment

What is a Family?”
Author Unknown

A family is …..
The sweetest feelings
The warmest hugs
Trust and togetherness
Unconditional love
The stories of our lives written on the same page
The nicest memories anyone has ever made
Treasured photos
Thankful tears
Hearts overflowing with all the years
Being there for one another
Supporting and caring
Understanding, Helping, Sharing
Walking life’s path together
And making the journey more beautiful because …..
We are a family…..And a family
is Love.

Add on: Prayer

God, we pray that you guide [Name and name] as parents as they raise and teach [child/children’s names] with love and respect; and that you protect this family and keep them always in your care. You have kindled in their hearts the fire of a divine love. Will you continue to keep it aflame upon the alter of their souls. Will you continue to make the inward aspirations of their hearts the outward reality of their home. And will you continue to make that home a place of light and truth, a place of beauty, a place of joy and happiness all the days of their lives. Amen.